Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"I Yike my Birfhday!"

Benson has thoroughly enjoyed his birthday. We celebrated today, because Bri and Jarod didn't get home until late last night. We all headed over to Brandon and Elizabeth's for ice cream and cake.
Benson thought that it was cool to stick his tongue out every time I ask to take a picture of him. It was his birthday, so I let him. He would view the picture as soon as I took it and laugh and laugh.

Love it...
Then it was time to open presents. Brandon and Bri and Jarod anticipating the festivities.
Papa had Jake duty. Cute kissy cheeks!
Benson got a lot of loot.
I got Benz a backpack for preschool this fall. "Cars" of course!

I think this gift is more for Mommy. Benz needs to be potty trained before preschool starts. He thought the gift was quite funny! He looked at Loo like "are you serious!"

Then he tried it out.

Brandon entertained himself by making the balloon static so Brynie's hair would stick straight up.

Great cake Looli! Benson was thrilled with his cake.

He huffed and he puffed but....

Mom finally had to help blow out the candles.
Every one enjoyed the cake. Bay was a good helper the whole evening.

Ike could hardly stand waiting for his piece.

Yum! Happy Birthday... cute little Goon!

We missed you Jamie, Becky, Gavin and Lanyie!

1 comment:

Brianne & Jarod said...

Ok..can you say JAMIE in the pic with Jake and Dad??? I need that picture of Jamie for my blog please :)