Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's a Matter of Choice

Had TWO options to choose from today. I chose family. I had already missed 2 of Benson's ball games, and most of Ike's soccer games. I couldn't miss out today. I love to see the support of family. I truly think that is what keeps it together. My children supported one another and cheered each other on in whatever they were doing. Ike's game started at 9:00, then on to Benson's at 10:30. IT REALLY WORKED OUT WELL for the timing of things.

Ike got to make contact with the ball a few times. 

Ike had his own personal goalie coach.  What a sweet memory this will be.

Way to kick it out of the box Ike.

Papa was on double duty today.  Jakies's best friend.

Whoops, guys teamwork.!

Then we were off to Fairfield to watch Benson.
Going for the ball on second base.

Swing that bat, and bust that ball!


Smiling, with praise from the Coach.

Love, love, that my family supports one another.
My choice today was my family.  I love them, and treasure the gift I have been  given through them.
This week there has been much discussion on choice in the media,  may I add my two cents worth.  I have worked, I have stayed at home. Both are hard work, no matter how you slice it. I see good in all hard working Moms. In the end, I don't regret any of my choices, but in the end I hope my children won't either. 

1 comment:

Becky Morgan said...

Well said, little sista! See, you really are lucky to have your kids so close after all!