Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Has been a blast for us to watch Bailey play "Fall Ball," if only the weather were more pleasant.  I have seen an old twinkle in Rick's eyes, as he watches Bay play in her competitive softball league.  We were even late for Ike's Birthday on Saturday. (Bri will never forgive me) I figure since Elizabeth was taking Benson and Brynley to the party, the least we could do was to help fill Bailey's cheering section. Sometimes it is hard to be the Grandma!
She was 1 for 2 today. Did score a runner though.

You can steal bases in this league, she loves it!

She got the fly ball for an out.

 Then it started pouring down rain...

Note to self...tell Bailey that, "only the "Wicked Witch" melts when it rains."   Love that girl!

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