Monday, September 17, 2012


Just couldn't wait, had to put out some fall happiness today.  It is only in the low 80's today, so I am celebrating.  Could be that I know I will get to experience fall at its finest in a few weeks.  We are on the road again, back up to Utah.  Not looking forward to the drive, but can't wait to see the colors of fall. It is absolutely my favorite season!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Where is our President?

Is Obama in hiding?  Embassy's falling, teachers failing, and talks with Jerusalem flouted.  Does this make any of you nervous. Does this shake your faith in our leadership in America.  It scares me.  I know that sometimes it doesn't take much to do that, but come on PEOPLE!

Things that have disappointed me this week would take me pages to write.  I guess that is what happens when you are older, and don't have to help the children with homework, or put them into bed. You start to get more politically involved. To bad It took me so long.

It's always someone else fault. No one is taking responsibility. Our embassies are getting ransacked on the anniversary of one of our nations saddest moments. Our people are getting murdered by tyrants and it is the "movies" fault. Do they really think the American people are dumb?  The President of Libya even said it was an attack on Americans.

So how does one find peace?  How does one sort through the information given to them?  Prayer, asking if it is good, asking if it protects us from all that is evil, asking ourselves if it will improve the world we live in. It all comes down to being responsible for our decisions.  This election is a serious one. Take your vote and decisions seriously.  I plan to.

I find peace in the words of a Prophet of God.
Enough said for today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Okay, I am in explosive mode.  Usually, the only relief I get from this condition, is to write. Which is really sad, because of my lack of good writing skills. Here it goes...

We are better off because... Osama bin Laden is dead, and GM didn't go bankrupt.  Boy that's a relief, I feel better.

We are better off... because we took God out of the Democratic Platform.  I'm speechless!

We are better off... because we give more food stamps. I always liked the quote "teach a man to fish...

We are better off... because we don't require welfare recipients to work. Hey, let's all quit working!

We are better off... because I have to pay for my healthcare...and a lot of the people in my doctors office don't.  I really didn't need the 1000.00  I paid in medical bills the last few months.

We are better off... because we will provide anyone with birth control, that's good because I WOULD HATE TO GET PREGNANT NOW THAT I AM IN MY LATE FIFTIES. And I love paying for everyone else's.

We are better off... because we now accept Jimmy Carter as a great president, and dead Ted Kennedy as a pit bull for the DEMS.

We are better off... because as women we surely don't have enough on our plates just raising good families, and keeping food on the table.

We are all better off... because we want high gas prices and no drilling. That's a relief, my husband and two  sons work for oil companies, maybe we will get food stamps!

We are all better off... because we get to empty our wallets for a whole sack of groceries.

How can anyone look at the direction of this country, and feel that they are better off?

disclaimer:  I am very thankful for my blessings. I know everything I have comes from God. I taught my children the meaning of hard work. I bought a house I could afford.  My cars are not fancy. I have never traveled outside of the US, not even Hawaii. We pay 10 percent plus of our modest income to charity every month. I don't know if anyone one can fix this, but I do know we are headed for trouble if things don't change.

By the way, now I feel better!