Friday, June 3, 2011

Introducing Guggy's newest Luvee!

Audrey Jane Wallace was born on May 26th, in Virginia.  It was the first time I wasn't there for the arrival of one of Jamie and Becky's children.  I missed out on Bailey's, Benson's, and Ike's arrivals too.  It is hard to be separated for such a glorious occasion. We will be traveling up to Virginia later this month to see baby Audrey.  This evens the count for us, 4 boys and 4 girls.  Can't wait to fill the empty frame on my wall with Audrey's picture.

I love the fact that her middle name is Jane.  Jane was the name of  one of my Dad's sisters.  She was an amazing women. She was never blessed with children of her own, but that didn't stop her from using her motherly instinct on every child she came in contact with. Her generosity and love could not be matched.  She was like a second mother to my sister and I.  We would spend a week in the summer with her, and she put on a major production for our benefits. She was educated, and served in the Salt Lake City area Assistance League, Alpha Phi, Garden Club, Church, and she was on the Board of Regents of Utah State University.  She was positive, self assured, and driven in the things she loved.

I know little Audrey will do amazing things in her life.  I am so excited to get to know my newest Luvee!

Can't wait to get my hands on her!

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