Wednesday, March 18, 2015

December brought a visit from my Mom. My brother Allen and his wife Christie had cared for her for two years while their Son, Steffan, was on a mission.  She has had growing health issues and concerns that have gradually gotten worse with time.  A change of scenery was an attempt to help her regain memories and spend time with us, her daughters. Due to her horrible illness Lewy body/Parkinson's disease it became apparent that things were only getting worse.  It was with much anguish and sadness, that we as a family had to place her in a physicality that deals with her diagnosis.

It was so sad not to be able to have much of a conversation because of her inability to stay in reality. Her mind jumping from one bazaar moment to the next. Hallucinations, imaginary places, things, and people swirled in her head. Defiance, frustration, her fear of situations, has taken over this once, beautiful in every way, women. I have been sad to think that a women as kind and selfless as she had been in her her life, would have to endure such a devastating disease.  

I find myself wishing we had infinite income to keep her at home, with doctors and nurses by her side day and night. To have endless means to make sure every need was met, but alas we deal with reality. Due to distance between us, it makes it impossible to see her on a regular basis. Thankful for family members and extended family who have loved her enough to visit her regularly. My job is to keep everyone up on what is going on. I try to write her a small note every week. As for now those familiar words "Come what may, and love it," visit my thoughts frequently.

Christmas Day 2014 The Stewart's and us visiting Mom.

Wednesday visit


Day she flew back to Utah 

Weekly letter writing

 Visit from Kev and Michelle

 Serenaded by Glade. 

Loved by so many.